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How to Enable Dislike Counter on YouTube again?

As an effort to minimize the amount of bullying on its platform, Youtube has made the brilliant decision to remove dislikes but using a simple tool you can re-enable dislikes on youtube again. Although you can see the dislike button itself the dislike count i.e how many times that video has been disliked is now absent. Essentially this means that the only function the dislike button serves is to allow users to tell the algorithm what videos not to recommend.

Youtube dislike count is disabled.

An important factor that youtube neglects here is how useful the dislike count is when determining the authenticity or quality of videos. On a platform that encourages user-generated content, the dislike button serves as an important tool that creates a distinction between good and bad content. Luckily however by using a simple plugin will allow users to re-enable the visibility of the dislike count, fetching the total number of dislikes. Here’s how to enable Dislikes on Youtube again.

Re-Enable Dislikes on Youtube.

So far the plugin to enable dislikes on youtube is only supported for Chrome and Firefox and its installation varies slightly depending on the browser.

Install the “Enable Dislikes on youtube” plugin on Firefox.

Fortunately, the Enable Dislikes Plugin is available on the official firefox addon store page. This makes the installation of this plugin in Firefox an extremely easy process. To install the plugin Simply :

  1. Open Firefox, Search “Addons for firefox” and visit the official Firefox Add-ons website.
  2. Search for “Return Dislikes For Youtube” in the top right search bar.
    Search for “Return Youtube Dislike stats” on the official Firefox Add-ons Store.
  3. Select “Return Youtube Dislike Stats” by Dmitry Selivanov and click Add to Firefox.
    Add the extension to Firefox.
  4. In the newly opened Prompt click on Add.
    Proceed through the confirmation prompt.

After completing the steps above, the plugin should now be operational and should show the dislike count of all youtube videos.  Since the extension is still in its alpha stages so bugs are to be expected however make sure to keep updating the extension as it’s constantly getting bug fixes and patches. Furthermore, as the extension is on the official firefox addon store it can easily be updated there.

Install the plugin on Google Chrome.

Although the version of the plugin is available on the official Chrome web store it is an outdated version and is likely prone to bugs and glitches. To install the latest/up to date version of the plugin follow these simple steps:

  1. Open Chrome and visit “returnyoutubedislike.com”, locate and download the latest version of the plugin.
    Download the latest version of the extension.
  2. Open the newly-downloaded file and extract the .zip contents into a new folder.
  3. From there open chrome and click on the three dots in the top left to open the menu.
    Open Chrome’s drop-down menu.
  4. Through the newly opened drop-down menu navigate to Extensions under More Tools.
    Navigate to extensions library on chrome.
  5. Enable Developer Mode on the top right.
    Toggle Developer Mode via a switch on the top right.
  6. Afterward, click on load unpacked.
    Click Load Unpacked Extention.
  7. Select the folder you extracted the .zip contents into and click on add extension.
    Choose the folder where you extracted the .zip contents into.

After the extension is enabled it should now enable dislikes on youtube again.

For the time being as this plugin isn’t on the official chrome store, you will have to manually update it. Before updating to a newer version make sure to remove the outdated plugin as installing both versions will cause bugs. To remove the outdated version navigate to extensions again and click “Remove” under the return dislikes to youtube extension.

The post How to Enable Dislike Counter on YouTube again? appeared first on Appuals.com.

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