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YouTube video loading delayed? Fix inside

Some visitors of YouTube noticed that the loading of videos would take a whole lot longer than usually. Affected users seem to use browsers that are not Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge.

They notice a dark loading page when they start videos on the video site. This delay may take a couple of seconds before the actual video content and the page it is hosted on is loaded.

An analysis of one of the JavaScript files that YouTube uses suggests that Google is deliberately slowing down the loading. Not all users who visit the site in Firefox or Vivaldi may notice the issue, however.

Those who do may wonder if there is a solution to fix the issue. There is. In fact, there are several options that you have.

Option 1: User-Agent Changer

user-agent switcher

Since Chrome and Edge appear to be immune to the delay, you may install a browser extension that changes your browser's user-agent to Chrome or Edge. The user-agent "tells" sites about the browser.

Firefox users may download User-Agent Switcher for their browser to get the functionality. Chromium-based browser users may check out this extension instead.

Once installed, load YouTube in a new tab. Once loaded, activate the extension's icon in the browser and select Chrome as the user agent. Load some videos to see if this is improving the responsiveness on YouTube.

Option 2: uBlock Origin Filter

YouTube ublock filter speed-up

If you use a content blocker like uBlock Origin, you may try to add a single line to the custom filter list to see if it changes things for the better.

Here is how that is done:

  1. Activate the uBlock Origin icon in your browser.
  2. Select the dashboard button to open the Preferences.
  3. Switch to My Filters.
  4. Paste the following line into the text field: www.youtube.com##+js(nano-stb, resolve(1), *, 0.001)
  5. Select "apply changes".

Once done, load YouTube in a new tab and see if the change has a positive effect on the load time. You may also find out guide on YouTube showing ads while uBlock Origin is installed useful, as it suggests a fix for that issue.

Other things to try

The two workarounds seem to work for most affected users. You could also try loading YouTube in private browsing mode, as this has worked for some users.

Another option is to watch videos on mobile, as YouTube is not using the same JavaScript file on mobile devices.

Last but not least, there are also options to download YouTube videos first before watching them and there are third-party frontends to watch YouTube videos. There are extensions to redirect YouTube videos to frontends automatically.

Now You: do you notice video loading issues on YouTube?

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