Learn all about the major Jobs changes, coming soon in Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker
The emergence of a brand new expansion to an MMORPG is always an exciting time, and Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker is no exception. In addition to new locations to visit, mounts to collect, and new FFXIV races to play as, there will also be core gameplay changes for the player Jobs. These changes can dramatically alter a Job's gameplay in ways that may make you love your favorite class role even more or convince you to play other Jobs that you haven't tried before.
On September 18, 2021, Square Enix held a live stream and a trailer showcasing some of the major changes and new abilities for Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker's Jobs, as well as demonstrating the new two Jobs, the Reaper and Sage. We have compiled all the significant changes revealed from the live stream, to help you prepare your new playstyles when the latest expansion for one of the best multiplayer PC games launches on Nov. 23, 2021.
Final Fantasy XIV Job changes: All jobs
- Primary actions will have their recast timers standardized to 60 or 120-second timers.
Final Fantasy XIV Job changes: Tanks
All Tanks
- Activating defensive buffs at optimal times will yield more significant benefits.
- Ranged attacks will no longer break melee combos.
- Weapons of the same item level will have parity between their physical and magical attributes. Action potencies will change to accommodate this adjustment to the weapons.
- The Requiescat spell will no longer lose potency, no matter how much MP is remaining.
- A new three-attack combo beginning with Confiteor will be implemented.
- The range of Intervene will be extended by 5 yalms.
- AoE combos will now be able to trigger and extend the effects of Damage Up buffs.
- The Onslaught and Upheaval skills will no longer consume the Beast Gauge.
- Onslaught now has three charges to spend.
- Executing Inner Release will enable a planned new action to be used.
Dark Knight
- Salted Earth will now appear where you are currently standing and enables the use of a planned new action.
- When you obtain one of the new Job abilities in Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker, your Living Shadow will gain a planned new action.
- The cooldown for Delirium is reduced to 60 seconds.
- The range of Plunge will be extended by 5 yalms.
- The Savage Claw and Wicken Talon abilities will switch into Gnashing Fang upon activation, freeing up space on your hotbar.
- Continuation can now be used after executing Burst Strike.
- A new trait will add a cartridge to your Gunblade, raising the max number of cartridges to three.
Final Fantasy XIV Job changes: Melee DPS
All Melee DPS Jobs
- The Feint skill will be changed to reduce physical damage and magical damage dealt. Do note the physical damage reduction will be stronger than the magic one.
- Ranged attacks will no longer break melee combos.
- Weapons of the same item level will have parity between their physical and magical attributes. Action potencies will change to accommodate this adjustment to the weapons.
- The Dragoon AoE damage rotation will be expanded upon. For example, the Disembowel action is now included in the AoE damage rotation.
- Spine Shatter Dive now has two charges.
- The recast timers for Lance Charge will now be 60 seconds, and Battle Litany will be 120 seconds
- A new unrevealed action will be available after successfully executing weapon skill combo rotations.
- The Blood of the Dragoon action will be changed into a trait.
- The Chakra mechanic will now be unlocked at a lower level.
- When certain conditions are met, Perfect Balance will enable the use of a Masterful Blitz. When under the effects of Perfect Balance, your weapon skills will change what Blitz charges are available to use.
- The Shoulder Tackle will be removed and replaced by a new jump action with three charges that will allow you to jump to selected enemies or allies. *Twin Strike and Twin Adders will have their positional restrictions removed.
- AoE combos can now receive the effects from Jinpu and Shifu.
- A new action in conjunction to Iaijutsu and Tsubame-gaeshi will become available.
- Tsubame-gaeshi and Meikyo Shisui will now have two charges.
- The Third Eye now grants 10 points to the Kenki gauge.
- New actions associated with Raiton, Doton, and Huton will be included.
- A new action will be added that will make applying Huton much easier.
- The Shadowfang skill will be removed.
- Summon a Voidsent Avatar to fight alongside you.
- Capable of granting party-wide buffs while a Reaper attacks.
- The Soul Gauge is used to unlock new attacks.
- The Shroud Gauge lets you become one with your Voidsent Avatar and use their abilities.
- The Gate is a mobility action that allows you to teleport back and forth where you placed the Gate.
Final Fantasy XIV Job changes: Physical Ranged DPS
All Physical Ranged DPS Jobs
- Weapons of the same item level will have parity between their physical and magical attributes. Action potencies will change to accommodate this adjustment to the weapons.
- The cooldown of party-wide defensive abilities will be changed to 90 seconds.
- Each of the Bard's three songs will enable the use of a new unrevealed action that will grant a party-wide buff.
- After executing Apex Arrow, a new action will be available for use.
- The duration of each song will be increased to 45 seconds.
- The Wanderer's Minuet and Battle Voice skills will have their recast timers will be adjusted to 120 seconds.
- The Machinist will receive a new action called Chain Saw.
- The Automaton Queen is planned to receive a new action.
- A new Shotgun AoE action will be added.
- The Reassemble skill will now have two charges.
- Weaponskill effects such as Flourishing Cascade can will be shared across single-target and AoE skills.
- After performing Technical Finish, Improvisation, and Devilment, you can follow them up with new unrevealed actions.
Final Fantasy XIV Job changes: Magical Ranged DPS
All Magical Ranged DPS Jobs
- The Addle skill will be changed to reduce physical damage and magical damage dealt. Do note the magical damage reduction will be stronger than the physical one.
Black Mage
- While under the effect of Astral Fire or Umbral Ice, Enochian will now automatically be applied as a trait.
- New single-target Fire and Ice spells.
- The Black Mage will receive new AoE Fire and Ice spells.
- The Sharpcast will receive an additional charge.
- When satisfying certain parameters, switching between Astral Fire and Umbral Ice will make new actions available.
Red Mage
- After performing Scorch, a new action will be available.
- Verflare, Verholy, and Scorch will be changed into AoE skills and become part of the AoE damage rotations.
- The Red Mage will receive a new, party-wide spell that grants defensive properties.
- The mana cost of all Red Mage actions will be reduced.
- All skills and actions which apply damage over time effects will be removed. Abilities that rely on damage over time effects to deal extra damage will be adjusted accordingly to make up for it.
- Summoners are now able to summon Ifrit, Titan, and Garuda in their real forms, not just as Egis.
- After summoning Ifrit, Titan, or Garuda, you gain elemental properties which allow you to perform each of the Primal's signature moves.
- The duration of summoning Bahamut and Phoenix will be reduced to 15 seconds.
Final Fantasy XIV Job changes: Healers
All Healer Jobs
- Each healer will receive new spells that grant single-target buffs.
- The casting time for offensive spells will now be shortened to approximately 1.5 seconds.
- The range of their limit breaks' area of effect will be extended by 50 yalms.
White Mage
- The White Mage will receive a new restorative field spell, complete with a distinct appearance.
- The Fluid Aura action will be removed.
- A higher tier of Holy will be added.
- The Divine Benison will receive an additional charge.
- The Diurnal Sect and Nocturnal Sect abilities will be removed. Healing actions will be adjusted to inherit the effects Diurnal Sect to make up for Diurnal Sect's removal.
- An additional card slot will be added.
- The Divination action will have its effects adjusted, and you can now apply the enhancements used in seals on yourself.
- The Scholar will receive a new action that will buff the party's movement speed, even in the middle of combat.
- A barrier-focused Healer Job that heals designated allies by attacking enemies.
- The Sage will possess unique resources and mechanics to activate healing, enhancing, and damage-dealing actions.
What Job changes are you most excited for?
As you can see, there are many Job changes to adjust to when Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker arrives. The Job changes I'm looking forward to the most would be the Summoner. Being able to call forth the true forms of Ifrit, Titan, and Garuda on top of Demi-Bahamut and Phoenix looks and sounds truly epic, and more closely aligns with the classic class fantasy.
I can't wait to see the levels of mayhem these new Job adjustments will cause when Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker has a planned launch date of November 23, 2021.
You are our last hope
Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker
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The final battle between Light and Darkness draws near.
After eons of conflict, the war between the goddess of Light, Hydaelyn, and the god of Darkness, Zodiark, will finally draw to a close. As the Warrior of Light, it is up to you and your comrades to decide the final outcome of this arduous war and save the world from impending doom. .
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