A lot of users have been facing an issue where they are disconnected from a Discord call every now and then. This can be due to a number of reasons which include running Discord with insufficient permissions or the server region that you are connected to. The issue can be really frustrating as it disconnects you from a Discord voice call after a certain time. However, for some users, this is instantaneous and they are not stuck on a connect and disconnect loop. Fortunately, since this is a known issue and multiple users have faced it, there are several ways of fixing it. In this article, we will show you how to do just that so follow through.

While Discord is very famous these days especially for all the gaming sessions, it isn’t really ideal if you are disconnected during that. Once you are disconnected, you can’t hear anyone on Discord any longer which can be really annoying. Like we mentioned, there are actually a number of reasons which can result in this problem which includes the server region that you are connected to and in some cases the Discord installation files. Therefore, before we get into the different methods that will help you in fixing the problem, let us first go through the various causes so that you are able to understand the issue and isolate the problem. With that said, let us get right into it.
- Damaged Installation Files — One of the reasons you might encounter the Discord disconnecting issue is when the installation files of Discord on your system are damaged. This is pretty obvious because these files are what you are actually running on your system. Therefore, in such a scenario, you will have to reinstall Discord to resolve the problem.
- Insufficient Permissions — Another reason that may contribute to the mentioned problem can be insufficient permissions for the Discord application. This can often happen when a third-party software interferes with the running process of the program due to which you face issues in the functionality of the app. In such a scenario, one way of resolving it would be to simply run the application as an administrator which will give it more than enough permissions to run smoothly without any third-party interference causing problems.
- Call Server Region — As it turns out, the call server region that you are connected to can also sometimes result in the issue. There are multiple regions available that you can choose from the voice channel settings. In some cases, the problem could be due to a bad connection to the server region in which case switching it should do the trick.
- High Priority Audio Packets — In addition to all that, the problem can also be sometimes triggered by your Voice settings in Discord. In some cases, when you have the high priority audio packets option enabled, your internet connection may misbehave and the packets may not reach their destination properly. When this happens, you are not able to maintain your connection to the server due to which you end up being disconnected. To resolve this, you will have to simply disable this feature from your settings.
Now that we have gone through the potential causes of the problem in question, we can get into the various solutions that will help in resolving the issue. So, without further ado, let us get started.
Run Discord as an Administrator
As it turns out, the first thing that you should do when you are being disconnected from voice calls again and again is to close Discord and run it as an administrator. Like we mentioned, the problem may be happening due to the intervention of a third-party software on your system. In such a scenario, when you run the Discord application as an admin, it will have more than enough permissions to run smoothly and third-party interference won’t cause a problem any longer with the functionality of the application. So, to run Discord as an admin, follow the instructions given down below:
- First of all, go ahead and completely close Discord. To do this, right-click on the Discord icon present on the left-hand side of the taskbar and then choose the Quit Discord option.
Quitting Discord - Once Discord has been closed, open up the Start Menu and search for Discord.
- On the result shown, right-click on Discord and then click the Run as administrator option from the menu that appears.
Running Discord as an Administrator - On the follow up UAC dialog box, click the Yes button.
- Once Discord is launched, get into a voice call and see if the problem still persists.
Change Call Server Region
If running the application as an administrator does not fix the problem for you, then you can try changing the server region that you are connected to. This can often happen with Discord voice calls and what you simply need to do is change the server from the voice channel settings. Once your call connects, you can go ahead and change it back to the old server region and the problem should go away after that. To change the region of the call server, follow the instructions given down below:
- First of all, move your cursor to the voice channel that you are connected to. It doesn’t matter if you are on the voice channel or not.
- Next to the voice channel, click the gear icon that appears.
Opening Voice Channel Settings - This will take you to the settings menu of that specific voice channel.
- On the Overview tab, at the bottom, choose a different region from the Region Override drop-down menu.
Choosing a Different Call Server Region - Click the Save Changes button that appears.
Changing Call Server Region - If you are on the voice channel, you will notice that everyone is disconnected and then reconnected.
- After doing that, see if the problem still remains. In addition, if you wish, you can go back and choose the previous call server region if you wish to for that optimal ping.
Disable High Priority Audio Packets
As it turns out, there exists a feature in Discord that makes your audio packets a high priority. When this feature is enabled, it basically hints to your router that the packets that are being transmitted by Discord are high priority. This feature can turn out to cause the disconnecting issue on some network connections. If this case is applicable, you will have to simply disable the feature from your Discord’s voice settings and everything should be good to go. To do this, follow the instructions given down below:
- First of all, go ahead and open up the User Settings screen on Discord by clicking the gear icon next to your username.
Opening Discord User Settings - On the User Settings screen, switch to the Voice and Video tab on the left hand side.
Switching to Voice and Video Tab - Then, on the Voice and Video settings, scroll down to the Advanced section and locate the Enable Quality of Service High Packet Priority option.
Disabling High Priority Packets Feature - Go ahead and disable it by clicking the slider next to it.
- Once you do that, hop on a voice call again and see if the problem still occurs.
Enable QoS from your Router Settings
In some cases, the problem can be circumvented by enabling the Quality of Service feature from your router settings as per a user report. QoS or Quality of Service is basically a feature of routers that allows it to send through the important traffic or packets first. Therefore, it is simply a prioritizing feature that is present on your router. Normally, this feature is enabled by default on different routers. However, in case it isn’t on your router, then you will have to enable it.
To do this, go ahead and login to your router configuration page via the credentials that are provided on the back of your router. The option can often be found under the Advanced Setup or Advanced Network Settings menu. The steps may vary though depending on your router. Therefore, if you are stuck, simply search it on Google and your manufacturer should have a guide on their website that you can follow.
Reinstall Discord
Finally, if none of the above solutions fix the problem for you, then it very well be due to your Discord installation files. If this case is applicable, you will have to completely uninstall Discord on your system and then reinstall it again. Uninstalling Discord is really easy, just follow the instructions given down below:
- First of all, open up the Control Panel by searching for it in the Start Menu.
- Then, on the Control Panel window, click on the Uninstall a program under the Programs option.
Control Panel - This will show you a list of all the applications installed on your system. From the list, locate Discord and double-click it to uninstall.
Locating Discord - Alternatively, you can select Discord and then choose the Uninstall option at the top to uninstall it.
Uninstalling Discord - Once you have done that, go ahead and download the latest Discord installer from the official website and install it on your system. After you have reinstalled Discord, see if the problem still persists.
The post How to Fix Discord Keeps Disconnecting and Reconnecting? appeared first on Appuals.com.
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